Thursday, January 14, 2010

Insulin Resistance

So I have been to a couple different doctors lately to determine why my body is not functioning properly in regards to reproduction. I am trying to keep this as basic as possible as not to make the guys feel uncomfortable! At first they thought it was an elevated hormone level. So my OB/GYN sends me to an endocrinologist. He ran a few tests including an insulin level. I did not realize that ovaries are very sensitive insulin levels. I went back on Monday and he tells me that my insulin level was a 24.1 and it should be a 7! I literally said "holy crap!" I have always felt like I had issues with blood sugar, etc. There are days that if I don't eat by a certain time my blood sugar drops so low I feel like I will faint. What is happening is that my body needs more insulin to do the same job a small amount should do. My body is resisting the smaller amount. When I eat something that spikes my blood sugar, my body produces larger amounts of insulin. I am so thankful that this guy found this because he said if I continued like this for too much longer I could become diabetic. I certainly do not want that! So, I am on a low-glycemic diet right now and Metformin. Metformin is actually given to diabetics and women with polycystic ovary symdrome. The cool thing is that he is pretty certain that by taking this medication, continuing to exercise, and eating low-glycemic foods, that my ovarian function should return to normal. As most of you know, we have been trying to get pregnant for about a year now. So, I feel like he killed two birds with one stone. I am really fortunate that he found this and so glad that we hopefully found the cause of my problem. Metformin can also aid in fertility. My guess is because it keeps insulin levels low among other things. So, YAY! The diet is no big deal. None of the things that are on the high-glycemic list are foods that I just have to have anyway. I go back in 3 months to test again to see if it has improved. We will see! :)

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